This is Part 2 --- [ Part 1 | Part 3 ]
Points raised in discussion groups - minutes
AIDS - STDs | Drugs | Alcohol |
Rape | Domestic Violence | Law and Order |
Marriage Breakdowns Marriage Separations |
Declining Health Standards | Illiteracy |
Custom and Culture used to stop development | Unmarried Mothers | Unwanted Pregnancies |
Two or more "wives" | Decline in Eductaion Levels | Corruption |
Misapproprition | Unemployment | Abandoned Wives |
- Not enough awareness and education programmes being conducted.
- Not enough resource people and resources for adequate training/education.
- Neglect by parents and poor parenting.
- Bad example
- Breakdown of authority and discipline within communities and families.
- Negative influence of videos
- Bad example by: authorities, leaders, family.
- Jealousy and envy.
- Lack of appropriate sex education : young people.
- Adults (menopause in particular).
- Changes in the community:
- Family
- Values
- Traditional leadership
- Return of people from the cities to the village after years away.
- Lack of valuing of women. Lack of respect of women and for women.
- Treating women like some "thing" or object.
- Urbanization
- Competition:
- Educated husband and uneducated wife.
- Uneducated husband and educated wife.
- Different wage levels.
- Bad side of the wantok system.
- Selfishness, greed, tribalism increasing in the community.
- Ignorance and lack of understanding.
- Poor literacy levels.
Problems facing the Church
- Finances
- Falling number of men involved in Church
- Mixed motives for going to Church
- Lack of resources - especially people
- Role of women - limited opportunities
- Unfair demands made on the MU
- Sects - new movements
- Lack of disciplining in Church and MU
- Liturgy is poor - not enough participation
- Not enough care for workers
- Poor communications and difficulties of communications making growth difficult.
- Poor use of all resources.
- Lack of co operation at all levels
- Lack of commitment to Church
- Poor level of youth attendance and involvement.
- Poor levels of giving to the Church
- Ignorance - absence of teaching
- Gender issues and roles
- Failure of the whole community to responsibility in the Church
- Lack of teaching resources
- Language issues (Too much English)
- Administration:
- Ineffective
- Too centralized
- Ineffective structures
- Lack of pastoral vision and plan
- Not enough lay ministries
- Liturgy:
- Not enough cultural features
- Language: too much English
- Boring; too adult
- Decline in interest in Church by youth
Problems facing the Clergy
- Not knowing their parishioners
- Failing in visiting their parishes
- Liturgical performances bad
- No partnership with wives
- Poor role models for community: drink, language, anger, women, etc
- Too demanding
- Lack of commitment
- No reverence in liturgy
- poor personal spirituality
Causes of the Problems
- Ignorance of possible alternative ways of living and working.
- Fear of change
- Lack of integral human development: failure to develop the full potential of our people.
- Lack of resources: finances, human.
- Unwillingness to change: an idolizing of the past and past ways.
- Lack of sharing of responsibilities.
- Lack of respect, understanding and care.
- Discouragement of those doing something.
- Failure to provide adequate and appropriate training and teaching.
- Not enough delegation and sharing of responsibilities.
- To big - too scattered - too poor.
- Changing values in society and inability to speak to the world.
- Poor leadership
- Shortage of good vocations.
- Lack of good pastoral programmes.
- Poor management of time and resources.
- Failure in teaching the faith and modernizing the Church.
Problems facing the Mothers' Union
- History: An English women's movement.
- Need to translate it into PNG society today
- Illiteracy - limits involvement, participation and growth.
- Finances
- Lack of resources: Books, materials, training.
- Lack of training and lack of programmes.
- Poor commitment.
- Poor cooperation often combined with a lack of respect.
- Inadequate and inefficient structures.
- Great distances making communications difficult.
- Lack of support from : Clergy; parish councils; community; Church; Dioceses.>
- Not enough discipline and not enough disciplining of members.
- Misunderstanding of the role of MU in the wider Church.
- Cooperation - coordination within the MU and between MU and others.
- Low morale
- Few young women are interested in joining.
- Lack of any programme of integral human development.
- A "you can't do without me" mentality.
- Failure in Leadership: fear in leading; feelings of inadequacy in leadership.
- Former leaders interfering or not giving up their positions.
- Language difficulties.
Areas for Action: Areas of Need
- Literacy
- Marriage breakdown
- Marriage separations
- Drugs and alcohol
- Violence against women
- Health care
- Education
- Integral human development
- Child abuse (sexual abuse)
- Sexual problems:
- Unwanted pregnancies
- Prostitution
- Adultery
- cohabitation
- Sex education
- Marriage and family life
- Teaching and education (all areas)
- Political awareness and human rights
- Environmental awareness